Find out more about your Local Church
Christ - Centred
The church began its life as the Parkdale Methodist Church, part of the Cheltenham-Mentone Circuit. Our first service was held on 4th November 1923 in the Progress Hall at the corner of Eveline Avenue and Parkers Road. Evening services and a Sunday School commenced early in 1926.
In July 1926 land in Parkers Road was purchased and construction of the church building commenced with a working bee on 2nd November. The new church cost approximately £600 and was dedicated on December 16th 1926.
The rest of the story is …. really history. Throughout the years the church has evolved and been sustained by many people. Some have spent their whole lives at St David’s Parkdale while others have been with us for a short time. In 2011, St David’s Parkdale Uniting Church was formed with the closure of St David’s and the merging with Parkdale Uniting Church. This was a deliberate move by both churches to create a modern, fully renovated, all abilities access facility.
The full story of the last 100 years is available to those who are interested.
Uniting Church In Australia
St David’s Parkdale Uniting Church is just one of the more than 2,500 UCA congregations gathering for worship on Sundays. The Uniting Church in Australia is the third largest Christian denomination in Australia and the first church to be created in and of Australia. The UCA came into being on 22 June 1977, after three
denominations – Congregational Union in Australia, the Methodist Church of Australasia, and the Presbyterian Church of Australia – joined together. Read the foundational document of the Uniting Church, The Basis of Union.
Congregations are supported in their ministry and mission by: · their local Presbytery – we are one of 60 congregations and faith communities that make up the Port Philip East Presbytery · Synod (a state council) – for BUC this is the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania · and the Assembly which is the national council of the UCA UnitingCare Australia is the national body for the UnitingCare Network, one of the largest providers of community services in Australia. St David’s Parkdale has developed intentional relationships with Uniting Care’s School Employment Leaver Employment Supports hosted in our facility.
Meet Our Church Leadership Team
Our church is fortunate to have so many people contribute to the life of our community. We value the need to operate a safe church and ensure that everyone in leadership is trained and aware of our responsibilities. We are led by volunteers who are committed to good governance and evolving the strategy that the church has developed.
Di Paul
Church Council Chairperson
Di Douglas
Peter Woodbridge
Careena Paulusz
John Paul
Byron Douglas
CHURCH Councillor
For those who would like to freely give to our church for the ongoing work we do and for supporting others in need, the following are the required details you need for online giving:
BSB: 633 000
Account Number: 172 517 260
Account Name: St David’s Parkdale Uniting Church